2024 Board of Trustees
The GROW Foundation is managed by a dedicated group of catering professionals who are passionate about the catering industry and want to help provide educational opportunities for the international catering industry at large.
Want to become involved? Contact one of our Board members today.
Frank Puleo
Catering by Framboise
Staten Island, NY
Linda West
1st VP – Education
Melange Events
Houston, TX
Who We Are
The ICAEF is a not-for-profit Foundation dedicated to providing educational opportunities for catering professionals and those desiring to become catering professionals. The Foundation is registered with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
What We Do
The ICAEF makes arrangements with various educational organizations, trade shows and institutions to teach courses of instruction in catering, food handling and areas related to the field of catering, and provide qualified teaching personnel for such purposes.
The ICAEF supports the international catering industry at large by soliciting, managing and distributing funds for educational and charitable work related to the field of catering.